Cure - Piggy in the Mirror - Testi - TrovaCd

Cure - Piggy in the Mirror

[Verse 1]
Shapes in the drink like Christ
Cracks in the pale blue wall
I'm walking slowly and quickly but always away
I'm twisting, twisting to the floor

[Chorus 1]
Flowers in your mouth and the same dry song
The routine from laughter land
Sixteen white legs and a row of teeth
I watch you in secrecy

[Verse 2]
You're dying, for the hope is gone
From here we go nowhere again
Oh, I'm trapped in my face and I'm changing too much
I can't climb out the way I fell in

[Chorus 2]
Jump with me, for that old forgotten dance
The midnight sun will burn you up
Your life is cold, your life is hot
Your life is too much for words

[Chorus 3]
These occasions are such a relief
Another point, another view to send
We start to talk and it's, and it's all so safe
Oh, I feed you in my dreams

[Verse 3]
Footsteps on a wire, high above my head
The stain reveals my real intention
I'm the waiting beast, I'm the twisted nerve
As I dance, dance back to the body in my bed
As I dance, dance back to the body in my bed
To the body in my bed, oh

Look at the piggy, piggy in the mirror
At the piggy, piggy in the mirror
At the piggy, the piggy in the mirror
At the piggy, piggy in the mirror
Oh, look at the piggy in the...
At the piggy, piggy in the mirror
Oh, look at the piggy in the mirror
Oh, look at the piggy in the mirror
Oh, look at the piggy in the mirror
Oh, ho

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(rsd 2024 - picture disc - limited edition)
20 aprile 2024
anno: 1984
vinile  € 35,00
disponibile (2) in negozio

Disponibile su Google Play

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